For English, please see below
U četvrtak, 16. novembra 2017. u Domu Oružanih snaga BiH, Centar za sigurnosne studije je u okrviru projekta “Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS” koji finansijski podržava Evropska unija, a u saradnji sa Ministarstvom odbrane BiH i norveškim Centrom za integritet u sektoru odbrane, organizirao okrugli sto na temu “Izazovi i perspektive normativnog rješavanja problema u postupcima javnih nabavki odbrambeno-sigurnosnih ugovornih organa u Bosni i Hercegovini”.
Uzimajući u obzir da većina ugovornih organa koji primjenjuju Pravilnik o ugovaranju iz oblasti odbrane i sigurnosti ima iste ili slične poteškoće u postupku javnih nabavki, cilj okruglog stola je bio definisanje ključnih problema te usaglašavanje prijedloga za rješavanje istih, čime bi se unaprijedio sam proces javnih nabavki.
Učesnici okruglog stola su bili predstavnici šesnaest institucija sektora sigurnosti svih nivoa vlasti. Skupu su prisustvovali Sifet Podžić, predsjedavajući Zajedničke komisije za odbranu i sigurnost Parlamentarne skupštine BiH, Đenan Salčin, v.d. direktora Agencije za javne nabavke BiH, te njihovi saradnici, kao i predstavnici NATO štaba Sarajevo i Regionalne anti-korupcijske inicijative.
Konstruktivnim radom okruglog stola identifikovani su ključni problemi, kao i mjere koje će se poduzeti u narednom periodu kroz zajedničko djelovanje Agencije za javne nabavke BiH, institucija sektora sigurnosti, Centra za integritet u sektoru odbrane, Regionalne anti-korupcijske inicijative i Centra za sigurnosne studije.
Round table: “Challenges and Perspectives of Normative Resolution of Problems in Public Procurement Procedures of Defence and Security Sector Contracting Authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina“
On Thursday, November 16, 2017, in the House of the Armed Forces of BiH, the Center for Security Studies within the project “Building Integrity and Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACROSS”, financially supported by the European Union, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence of BiH and the Norwegian Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector organized a round table on “Challenges and Perspectives of Normative Resolution of Problems in Public Procurement Procedures of Defence and Security Sector Contracting Authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina “.
Taking into account that most contracting authorities applying the Rules of contracting in the sector of defense and security have the same or similar difficulties in the public procurement procedure, the aim of the round table was to define key issues and to harmonize proposals for their resolving, thus improving the process of public procurement.
The round table participants were representatives of sixteen security sector institutions of all levels of governance. The meeting was attended by Sifet Podzic, Chair of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Djenan Salcin, acting director of the Public Procurement Agency of BiH, and their associates, as well as representatives of the NATO Headquarters Sarajevo and the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative.
The participants of the roundtable identified key issues as well as the measures that will be taken in the coming period through the joint activities of the Public Procurement Agency of BiH, the security sector institutions, the Centre for Integrity in the Defence Sector, the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative and the Centre for Security Studies.