For English please see below

Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS) je u saradnji sa Ženevskim centrom za demokratsku kontrolu oružanih snaga (DCAF) i JU Centar za edukaciju sudija i tužilaca FBiH (CEST), u srijedu, 13. februara 2019. godine, organizovao ”Okrugli sto o sudskim ovlaštenjima i nadzoru primjene posebnih istražnih radnji u Bosni i Hercegovini”.

Okruglom stolu su prisustvovali predstavnici Ustavnog suda BiH, Suda BiH, Kantonalnog suda Kantona Sarajevo te brojnih Općinskih sudova. Pored predstavnika pravosuđa, okruglom stolu su prisustvovali eksperti koji su sa prisutnima podijeliji svoje znanje iz navedene oblasti.

Pored organizatora, u uvodnim obraćanjima prisutnima se obratio predsjednik Suda Bosne i Hercegovine, gospodin Ranko Debevec. Tokom ostalih sesija, svoje znanje i iskustvo u primjeni posebnih istražnih radnji uz uvažavanje standarda propisanih Evropskom konvencijom za ljudska prava, sa prisutnima su podijelili predstavnici bh. sudova različitih nivoa, kao i međunarodni i domaći eksperti iz ove oblasti. Konstruktivna rasprava o problemima i izazovima vezanim za upotrebu posebnih istražnih radnji posebno nakon zadnjih izmjena Zakona o krivičnom postupku BiH vezanih za ovu oblast, rezultirala je razmjenom iskustva, znanja, kao i prijedloga za jačanje sudske ekspertize i kapaciteta za kontrolu upotrebe posebnih istražnih radnji. 

The Centre for Security Studies (CSS), in cooperation with the Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF) and the Centre for Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CEST), organized a “Roundtable on Judicial Authorisation and Supervision of Special Investigative Measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

The round table was attended by representatives of the Constitutional Court of BiH, the Court of BiH, the Sarajevo Cantonal Court and numerous Municipal Courts. In addition to the representatives of the judiciary, the round table was attended by experts who shared their knowledge with the present participants.

Beside the organizers, the President of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Ranko Debevec, addressed the participants in the introductory remarks. During the other sessions, international and domestic experts as well as judges of courts of different levels shared their knowledge and experience in the application of special investigative actions, with respect to the standards prescribed by the European Convention on Human Rights. A constructive discussion on the problems and challenges associated with the use of special investigative actions, especially after the last changes of the Criminal Procedure Code of BiH related to this area, resulted in the exchange of experience, knowledge, as well as proposals for strengthening the court expertise and capacity considering the control of the use of special investigative actions.