For the project description in English, please see below

Opis projekta

Projekat ima za cilj da doprinese razumijevanju fenomena stranih boraca i izazov koji oni predstavljaju za sigurnost i stabilnost. Kroz sveobuhvatan pristup, komunikacija sa javnošću može biti odvojena od negativnih predrasuda, a može doprinijeti boljim rješenjima politike. Sukobi u Siriji i Iraku, kao iu Ukrajini, izazivaju ozbiljne probleme kako za V4, tako i za EU i zemlje Zapadnog Balkana.

Projekat će kroz analizu fenomena i trenutnih rješenja zemalja V4 i Zapadnog Balkana omogućiti  istraživanje jaza između problema i rješenja, kao i mogućnosti za saradnju. Ovo drugo je od najvećeg značaja na Zapadnom Balkanu gdje je izgradnja povjerenja među vladama i dalje izazov.

Osim toga, projekat će omogućiti stvaranje foruma za stručnjake iz zemalja V4 i Zapadnog Balkana kako bi razmijenili svoje stavove i iskustva na ovu temu.


Projekat koordinira Institut za vanjske poslove i trgovinu (Mađarska).

Partneri ove inicijative iz zemalja V4 su Varšavski institut za strateške studije (Poljska), Slovačko udruženje za spoljnu politiku i Evropski institut za evropsku politiku (Češka).

Partneri iz zemalja Zapadnog Balkana pored Centra za sigurnosne studije su Beogradski centar za bezbednosnu politiku (Serbia), Centar za demokratsku tranziciju (Crna Gora), Kosovski centar za sigurnosne studije i Marshal Centar Makedonija.

Projekat finansira Međunarodni Višegrad Fond. 

Returning from violence: How to tackle the foreign fighters’ problem in the Western Balkans

Summary Project Description

The project aims to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon of foreign fighters and the challenge they mean for security and stability. Through a comprehensive approach, communication with the public can be depurated from negative prejudices while it can contribute to better policy solutions. Conflicts in Syria and Iraq as well as in Ukraine cause serious problems for both the V4 and the EU, and the Western Balkan countries.

The project will facilitate the analyses of the phenomenon and the policy solutions of the countries in concern which will allow the exploration of gap between problems and solutions as well as opportunities for cooperation. The latter is of utmost importance in the Western Balkans where confidence building among governments is still a challenge.

Furthermore, the project will provide an great forum for experts from both the Visegrad and Western Balkan countries to exchange their views and experience on this topic.


The project is coordinated by the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary).

The partners of the initiative from V4 countries are Warsaw Institute for Strategic Studies (Poland), Slovak Foreign Policy Association and the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy (Czechia). 

Partners from the Western Balkans besides the Centre for Security Studies are Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (Serbia), Center for Democratic Transition (Montenegro), Kosovar Centre for Security Studies and Marshall Center Macedonia.

The project is funded by the International Visegrad Fund Standard Grant.