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U utorak, 13. decembra 2016. godine održana je prezentacija rezultata izvještaja na temu „Procjena integriteta policije u Bosni i Hercegovini” za 2016. godinu, u hotelu Europe u Sarajevu. Prezentacija je organizovana u okviru projekta “Puls Integriteta i Povjerenja u Policiju na Zapadnom Balkanu” koji finansijski podržava Evropska unija. Predmetnom događaju prisustvovali su predstavnici državnih i kantonalnih policijskih institucija, predstavnici međunarodnih organizacija te predstavnici medija.
Učesnicima su predstavljeni nalazi o policiji u BiH u oblasti transparentnosti, upravljanja ljudskim resursima i finansijama, te vanjskog nadzora i unutrašnje kontrole. Ocijenjeno je da su u 2016. godini nepostojanje sveobuhvatnog zakonskog okvira, neodovoljna transparentnost u radu nadzornih tijela nad policijom, te nedovoljni ljudski resursi u oblasti javnih nabavki i loša saradnja policije i tužilaštava, ključne slabosti u ovim oblastima.
Prezentacije nalaza izvještaja na temu “Procjena integriteta policije” organizovane su i u Beogradu, Skoplju, Podgorici, Tirani i Prištini.
On Tuesday, 13 december of 2016, the for 2016 was held in hotel Europe in Sarajevo. The presentation was organized within the “Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust, which is financially supported by the European Union. The event was attended by representatives of the state and cantonal MoI, representatives of international organizations and media representatives.
During the presentation, the findings on the police in BiH in the field of transparency, human resources and finance management, external and internal control were presented to the participants. It was concluded that the non-existence of a comprehensive legal framework, a minimal transparency in the work of the oversight bodies of the police, insufficient human resources in the field of public procurement as well as the unsatisfactory cooperation between police and prosecutors in BiH are the key weaknesses in the mentioned areas.
Presentations of research findings on the topic “Assessment of police integrity” were also organised by the POINTPULSE Network in Belgrade, Skopje, Podgorica, Tirane and Pristine.