For the project description in English, please see below
Korupcija je globalni problem koji negativno utječe na razvoj društva, podriva povjerenje u institucije vlasti i sprečava ekonomski razvoj. Korupcija prijeti vladavini prava, demokratiji i ljudskim pravima, otežava dobro upravljanje, pravednost i društvenu pravdu, doprinosi rastu organizovanog kriminala i ugrožava stabilnost demokratskih institucija.
Kako bi primijenila efektivne mjere za sprečavanje korupcije, BiH je u maju 2015. godine usvojila Strategiju za borbu protiv korupcije 2015-2019. godine, te Akcioni plan za njenu implementaciju.
Sektor sigurnosti može predstavljati plodno tlo za koruptivne aktivnost usljed njegove osobenosti vezane za tajnost i velika diskreciona ovlaštenja. Projektom Centra za sigurnosne studije “Mapiranje rizika korupcije u sigurnosnom sektoru” finansiranom od Evropske unije, došlo se do ključnih saznanja o rizicima korupcije u sektoru sigurnosti. Zajedno sa predstavnicima sigurnosnih agencija u BiH, javne nabavke su identificirane kao jedna od oblasti gdje postoji veliki rizik za pojavu korupcije.
Interes javnost u sektoru sigurnosti je usmjeren upravo na javne nabavke, s obzirom da je ovaj sektor jedan od najvećih potrošača javnih finansija.
Institucije sektora sigurnosti još uvijek nisu ostvarile potreban nivo odgovornosti u planiranju i implementaciji javnih nabavki. Revizorski izvještaji pokazuju da se plan potreba ne implementira sistematski, što rezultira nepotrebnim i neadekvatnim nabavkama ili nenabavljanjem potrebnih dobara i usluga. Ova praksa doprinosi nenamjenskom trošenju poreskih sredstava i utiče na funkcionalni učinak institucija, a samim tim ugrožava i sigurnost građana.
Glavni cilj projekta je jačanje transparentnosti i odgovornosti pri javnim nabavkama u sektoru sigurnosti.
Projektom će se uspostaviti okvir za civilni nadzor javnih nabavki u sektoru sigurnosti.
Ostvarivanjem zadanih ciljeva projekta, osnažiće se uloga civilnog društva u nadzoru nad javnim nabavkama, unaprijediti proces obuke, te uspostaviti nezavisno izvještavanje o javnim nabavkama u sektoru sigurnosti, što će doprinijeti vanjskom nadzoru sektora sigurnosti.
Projekat „Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS“ počeo je u januaru 2016. godine, a predviđeno je da traje 36 mjeseci. Projekat realizuje Centar za sigurnosne studije, a sredstva za njegovu implementaciju obezbijedila je Delegacija Evropske unije u BiH.
Aktivnostima projekta predviđeno je da se podrži implementacija 4 aktivnosti Stateškog programa 2.9. Akcionog plana za provedbu Strategije za borbu protiv korupcije 2015-2019. godine.
Projektne aktivnosti, pored navedenog, obuhvataju i sljedeće:
- Razvijanje metodologije za praćenje javnih nabavki u sektoru sigurnosti;
- Formiranje konzorcija i jačanje kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva koje pokazuju interes za javne nabavke u sektoru sigurnosti;
- Jačanje kapaciteta monitoringa i izvještavanja o slučajevima korupcije u sektoru sigurnosti;
- Podizanje svijesti javnosti o važnosti efikasnog i djelotvornog trošenja javnih sredstava;
- Održavanje obuka za pripadnike sektora sigurnosti;
- Metodologija za praćenje javnih nabavki u sektoru sigurnosti
- Obuka o efikasnosti unutrašnje kontrole u borbi protiv korupcije
- Registar planiranih javnih nabavki
- Sistem mjerenja napretka i efikasnosti monitoringa
- Osnaženi kapaciteti civilnog društva za nezavisno izvještavanje o javnim nabavkama u sektoru sigurnosti
- Implementacija strateškog programa 2.9. Akcionog plana
Projekat “Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS“ implementira Centar za sigurnosne studije, a finansira Evropska unija.
Project “Integrity Building and Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACroSS“
Corruption is a global problem that adversely affects the development of the society, undermines confidence in government institutions and prevents economic development. Corruption threatens the rule of law, democracy and human rights, impedes good governance, fairness and social justice, contributes to the growth of organized crime and endangers the stability of democratic institutions.
In order to apply effective measures to prevent corruption, BiH adopted the Strategy for Combating Corruption 2015-2019 in May 2015, as well as the Action Plan for its implementation.
Due to its characteristics related to confidentiality and great discretion, the security sector may represent a fertile ground for corrupt activity. The project of the Center for Security Studies “Mapping Corruption Risks in the Security Sector”, financed by the European Union, brought forward key information about corruption risks in the security sector. Together with representatives of the security agencies in BiH, public procurements have been identified as one of the areas where there is a high risk of corruption.
The interest of the public towards the security sector is focused on public procurements, given that this sector is one of the largest consumers of public finances.
Security sector institutions have not yet achieved the necessary level of responsibility in the planning and implementation of public procurements. Audit reports show that the procurement plans are not implemented systematically, resulting in unnecessary and inappropriate procurement or non procurement of needed goods and services. This practice contributes to the inappropriate spending of tax funds and influences the functional performance of institutions, and therefore threatens the security of citizens.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen transparency and accountability in public procurement in the security sector.
The project will establish a framework for civilian control of public procurement in the security sector.
The achievement of the goals of the project will strengthen the role of civil society in the oversight of public procurement, improve the training process, and establish an independent reporting on public procurement in the security sector, which will contribute to external oversight of the security sector.
The project “Integrity Building and strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACroSS” began in January 2016 and is planned to last 36 months. The project is implemented by the Centre for Security Studies and the funds for its implementation are provided by the EU Delegation in BiH.
The project activities are planned to support the implementation of 4 activities of the Strategic Programme 2.9. of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for Combating Corruption 2015-2019.
In addition, project activities include the following:
- Developing the methodology for monitoring of public procurement in the security sector;
- The formation of a consortia and strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations that have shown interest in public procurement in the security sector;
- Strengthening the capacity of monitoring and reporting of cases of corruption in the security sector;
- Raising public awareness about the importance of efficient and effective spending of public funds;
- Holding training for members of the security sector;
- The methodology for the monitoring of public procurement in the security sector
- Training on the effectiveness of internal control in the fight against corruption
- Register of planned public procurements
- A system to measure the progress and the effectiveness of monitoring
- Strenghtened capacities of the civil society for independent reporting on public procurement in the security sector
- The implementation of the Strategic Programme 2.9. of the Action Plan
The project “Integrity Building and Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACroSS“ is implemented by the Centre for Security Studies and funded by the European Union.