(For English, please see below)
Regionalna konferencija pod nazivom “Borba protiv korupcije u policiji: Pravna rješenja i najbolje prakse” održana je 1. juna 2017. u Podgorici, u hotelu Ramada. Konferencija je održana u okviru projekta “Puls integriteta i povjerenja u policiju na Zapadnom Balkanu – POINTPULSE“. Cilj konferencije je bio da se ukaže na zajedničke probleme i izazove sa kojima se suočavaju sve zemlje Zapadnog Balkana, od kojih se posebno izdvajaju korupcija i preveliki uticaj na rad policije. Također, na konferenciji se predmetnom diskusijom pokušao nadomjestiti i nedostatak javnih konsultacija o tome kako unaprijediti važeći Zakon o unutrašnjim poslovima Crne Gore, na čijem se nacrtu trenutno radi.
Projekt istraživačica iz Centra za sigurnosne studije, Mirela Hodović tom prilikom ukazala je da uslovi za napredovanje u policijskoj službi Bosne i Hercegovine još uvijek nisu vezani za stroge kriterijume. Slabost postojećih Zakona o policijskim službenicima je i sistem prijema u policiju. Kandidati koji ne budu primljeni u radni odnos u policijske institucije, nemaju pravo u uvid u rezultate drugih kandidata, a o sastavu Komisija za izbor odlučuje ministar.
Glavna poruka ove konferencije je da ključni prioriteti u reformi policije u svim zemljama Zapadnog Balkana treba da budu upravljanje ljudskim resursima i borba protiv korupcije u policiji te je da je potrebno otvoriti proces izrade Zakona o unutrašnjim poslovima za sve zainteresovane aktere.
Prilog u Dnevniku 2 RTCG, 01.06.2017. godine
Regional Conference titled “Fighting Police Corruption: Legal Solutions and Best Practices”, was held on 1 June 2017, in hotel Ramada in Podgorica, Montenegro. The conference was organized within the project “Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust- POINTPULSE”. The aim of the conference was to address the common problems and challenges faced by all Western Balkan countries, with particular emphasis on corruption and influence on the work of the police. Also, the discussion attempted to compensate for the lack of public consultations on how to improve the current Law on Internal Affairs of Montenegro, whose draft is currently in progress.
At that occasion, project researcher from the Centre for Security Studies, Mirela Hodović pointed out that the conditions for progress in the Police Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina are not tied to strict criteria. The weakness of existing laws on police officers is the system of admission to the police as well. Candidates who are not admitted to employment in the police, do not have right to access to the results of other candidates, while the composition of the Commission for the election is decided by the Minister.
The main message of this conference is that the key priorities in the reform of the police in all countries of the Western Balkans should be the human resources management and the fight against corruption in the police as well as that the process of drafting the Law on Internal Affairs should be more open for all stakeholders.