(for English, please see below)
Regionalna konferencija pod nazivom “Krivična odgovornost policajaca na Zapadnom Balkanu” održana je 21. decembra 2017. u Beogradu, u hotelu Zira. Konferencija je održana u okviru projekta “Puls integriteta i povjerenja u policiju na Zapadnom Balkanu – POINTPULSE“. Cilj konferencije je bio da se otvori prostor za dijalog o izazovima saradnje unutrašnje kontrole policije i tužilaštava i da se oblikuju što bolje preporuke koje će doprinijeti izgradnji boljeg sistema krivične odgovornosti za policajce. Također, na konferenciji se predmetnom diskusijom pokušao nadomjestiti i nedostatak regionalne debate o najznačajnijim problemima i rješenjima za integritet policije kao i slaboj primjeni procedura za krivičnu odgovornost policijskih službenika.
Projekt istraživačica iz Centra za sigurnosne studije, Mirela Hodović je u svom izlaganju ukazala da u Bosni i Hercegovini ne postoji jasan i precizan pregled rezultata krivičnih istraga odnosno dinamike rješavanja krivičnih predmeta protiv policijskih službenika. Razlog je sadašnji sistem vođenja evidencije unutar pravosudnog sektora koji ne omogućava da se dobiju statistički podaci o službenim licima protiv kojih se vode krivične istrage, bilo da su u pitanju policijski službenici, ili drugi javni sužbenici uključeni u krivična djela. Također, istakla je da nepostojanje pouzdanih statističkih podataka u ovoj oblasti dovodi i do sumnje javnosti u kvalitet i efikasnost rada nadležnih institucija, i u najgorem slučaju dodatno podstiče i mišljenje javnosti o rasprostranjenosti korupcije u policiji. Saradnju policije i tužilaštava u Bosni i Hercegovini ocijenila je nezadovoljavajućom.
Glavna poruka sa ove konferencije je da u većini zemalja Zapadnog Balkana nema dobre evidencije o krivičnim prijavama i postupcima protiv policijskih službenika, kao i da saradnja policije i tužilaštava još uvijek nije na zadovoljavajućem nivou. Stoga, istaknuto je da ključni prioriteti u ovoj oblasti u svim zemljama Zapadnog Balkana treba da budu usmjereni na izradi jasnije evidencije krivičnih prijava i postupaka protiv policijskih službenika, analiziranju podataka o krivičnom gonjenju kao i unapređenju institucionalnih odnosa policije i tužilaštava.
A regional conference entitled ” Criminal Liability of Police Officers in the Western Balkans” was held on December 21, 2017 in Belgrade, at the Zira Hotel. The conference was held within the project ” Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust”- POINTPULSE”. The aim of the conference was to create an environment for dialogue on the challenges of cooperation between police internal control and prosecution and to formulate the best recommendations that will contribute to building a better system of criminal liability for police officers. The discussion also tried to address the lack of a regional debate on the most important problems and solutions for the integrity of the police, as well as the poor implementation of the procedures for liability of police officers.
The project researcher from the Centre for Security Studies, Mirela Hodovic, pointed out in her presentation that there is no clear and accurate record of the results of criminal investigations or the dynamics of solving criminal cases against police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The reason is the current system of keeping records within the judicial sector that does not allow obtaining statistical data on officials against whom criminal investigations are conducted, whether in the case of police officers or other public servants involved in criminal offenses. She also pointed out that the lack of reliable statistical data in this area leads to the lack of public confidence in the quality and efficiency of the work of the competent institutions, and in the worst case, the absence of these data also encourages public opinion about the prevalence of corruption in the police. Cooperation of the police and prosecutor’s offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina she evaluated as still unsatisfactory.
The main message from this conference is that there is no consolidated record of criminal charges and actions against police officers, and that the cooperation between police and prosecutors’ offices is still insufficient in most countries of the Western Balkans. Therefore, it was pointed out, that key priorities in this area in all Western Balkan countries should be focused on making better records of criminal charges and procedures against police officers, analyzing data on prosecutions as well as improving the institutional relations between the police and the prosecutor’s offices.