[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For the project description in English, please see below
Od 14. do 19. maja 2014. godine, Bosnu i Hercegovinu (BiH) su pogodile razarajuće poplave uslijed obilnih kišnih padavina – radilo se o najvećem zabilježenom nivou padavina u posljednjih 120 godina. Prema podacima hidrometeoroloških zavoda u BiH, u nekim područjima zemlje ukupno je palo više od 250 litara kiše po metru kvadratnom tokom naznačenog perioda. Takve padavine izazvale su iznenadno i obilno plavljenje rijeka Bosne, Drine, Une, Sane, Save i Vrbasa, kao i njihovih pritoka, ali i pojavu brojnih klizišta.
Određene procjene ukazuju da je prirodna nepogoda zahvatila oko jednu trećinu državne teritorije, dok su se negativni efekti odrazili na više od milion stanovnika. Prema podacima sadržanim u izvještaju „Procjena potreba za oporavkom“, u čijoj izradi su učestvovali svi nivoi vlasti u BiH, 25 osoba je izgubilo život tokom nepogode, dok je blizu 90 000 ljudi moralo napustiti svoje domove. Također, procjene ukazuju da je 81 opština pretrpjela štete i gubitke te socijalne i/ili ekološke efekte različitog stepena – štete i gubici se procjenjuju na blizu 4 milijarde BAM. Posebnu opasnost za sigurnost lokalnog stanovništva, kao i sami proces obnove i oporavka, predstavljaju mine, neeksplodirana ubojna sredstva i oznake od minskih opasnosti, koje su tokom poplava i klizišta dislocirane s već identificiranih lokaliteta.
S tim u vezi, Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS) implementira projekat „Pomoć opštinama da unaprijede sistem ranog upozoravanja i podrška oporavku od poplava – SAFE“ koji je fokusiran na područje opština Sanski Most i Oštra Luka. Glavni cilj projekta je podrška oporavku tih lokalnih zajednica te unapređenje nivoa opremljenosti i obučenosti sistema za rano upozoravanje od prirodnih katastrofa.
Projekat „Pomoć opštinama da unaprijede sistem ranog upozoravanja i podrška oporavku od poplava – SAFE“ finansira Evropska unija.
From 14th to 19th May 2014, devastating floods caused by heavy rainfall hit Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) – it was the largest level of rainfall recorded in the last 120 years. According to the hydro-meteorological institutes in BiH, in some areas of the country, more than 250 liters of rain per square meter have fallen during the specified period. Such precipitation caused a sudden and abundant flooding of the rivers Bosna, Drina, Una, Sana, Sava and Vrbas, as well as their tributaries, and triggered numerous landslides.
Some estimates suggest that the natural disaster affected about one third of the national territory, while the negative effects had an impact on more than one million inhabitants. According to data contained in the report “Recovery Needs Assessment”, in whose preparation all levels of governance in BiH have participated, 25 persons lost their lives during the disaster, while almost 90 000 persons had to leave their homes. Also, estimates suggest that 81 municipalities suffered damages and losses as well as social and/or environmental effects of various degrees – damage and losses are estimated at close to 4 billion BAM. The land mines, unexploded ordnance and mine threat markings, which were dislocated from identified locations during the floods and landslides, represent a specific danger for the security of the local population, as well as for the reconstruction and recovery process.
In this regard, the Center for Security Studies (CSS) is implementing the project “Assistance to affected municipalities in improving the early flood warning system and supporting the flood recovery – SAFE” which is focused on the area of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka. The main objective of the project is to support the recovery of these communities and improve the quality of equipment and training for the early warning system.
The project “Assistance to affected municipalities in improving the early flood warning system and supporting the flood recovery – SAFE” is funded by the European Union.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Projektne vijesti / Project news[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_basic_grid post_type=”post” max_items=”1000″ element_width=”2″ gap=”5″ item=”2968″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1497259177607-b0cce2cd-2d08-1″ taxonomies=”104″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]