(For English, please see below)
Objavljeno: 20. februara 2024.
Proteklu sedmicu obilježio je naš projekat „BIHOS – Bosna i Hercegovina gradi inkluzivni nadzor nad sigurnošću“.
12. i 13. februar bili su rezervisani za prvu radionicu u sklopu projektne aktivnosti ciklusa obuka za mlade. Njena osnovna suština je uspostaviti dvije grupe mladih profesionalaca koji će zagovarati transparentnost i odgovornost te biti lideri u pokretaju prakse nadzora i dobrog upravljanja. Radionica je okupila mlade iz Sarajeva i Banja Luke, a tokom iste su upoznati s vještinama pisanja prijedloga javnih poslitika i sa načinima za postizanje efikasnijeg uticaja na donosioce odluka i istraživačku zajednicu. Također, kroz ovu radionicu, napravljen je korak ka osoposobljavanju mladih profesionalaca za ulogu trenera za buduće generacije aktera nadzora.
U periodu od 14. do 16. februara, održan je drugi trening za aktere nadzora nad sigurnosnim sektorom na kantonalnom i federalnom nivou pod nazivom „Jačanje upravljanja kibernetičkom sigurnošću u Bosni i Hercegovini“.
Ovaj trodnevni trening obilježen je sesijama nizozemskih ekspertica iz prakse te nizom interaktivnih aktivnosti za polaznike treninga. Predavačice su bile profesionalke iz privatnog sektora, pravnice čija je ekspertiza kibernetička sigurnost i predstavnice akademske zajednice, ujedno tako promovirajući i podstičući učešće žena u oblasti kibernetičke sigurnosti. Sesije su bile fokusirane na definisanje pojma kibernetičke sigurnosti, prijetnje i izazove upravljanja kibernetičkom sigurnošću te problematiziranje zakonskog okvira koji uređuje ovo pitanje.
Učesnicima su detaljno prikazne relane prijetnje u domenu kibernetičke sigurnosti sa kojima se mogu suočiti i kojih je sve više u modernom dobu te su im prikazani načini odbrane i upravljanja kibernetičkim prijetnjama. Uz kibernetičku sigurnost, tokom posljednjeg dana treninga, pažnja je posvećena i upotrebi vještačke inteligencije čija se upotreba iz dana u dan intenzivira.
Kroz interaktivne grupne aktivnost, učesnici treninga su, između ostalog, simulirali kibernetičke napade te pristupe u odbrani od istih.
Više informacija o projektu BIHOS možete pronaći ovdje, a možete nas pratiti i na društvenim mrežama (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i LinkedIn) upotrebom hashtag-a #BIHOS.
BIHOS Week: Think, liaise, act!
Published: February 20th, 2024
Last week was marked by our project „BIHOS – Bosnia and Herzegovina is Building Inclusive Oversight of Security“.
12th and 13th of February were reserved for the first Workshop as part of the project activity of cycle of educations for young professionals. Its essential aim is to establish two groups of young professionals which will advocate transparency and responsibility and which will be leaders in starting surveillance and good governance practices. The Workshop gathered young people from Sarajevo and Banja Luka, which were introduced with the new skills of public policy project proposals writing and with the ways of accomplishing more efficient impact on decision-makers and research community. Also, trough this Workshop, a step towards qualifying young professionals for the role of trainers for future generations of surveillance actors has been made.
In the period of 14th to 16th of February, the second training for security sector oversight actors on canton and federal level, by the name of “Strengthening Cyber Security Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina” has been held.
This three-day training was marked by sessions of experts from the Netherlands and many interactive activities for training participants. The lecturers were professionals from the private sectors, lawyers whose profession is cyber security and academic community representatives, which is advancing and encouraging women to participate in cyber security. Sessions were focused on defining the term of cyber security, threats and challenges of cyber security governance and problematic attitude of cyber security legal framework.
Participants were introduced with realistic cyber security threats which they can face and which are multiplying In the modern era, and they were also introduced with the ways for defending and governing of cyber security threats. With cyber security, during the last training day, focus was on the usage of artificial intelligence which is intensively growing.
Trough interactive activities, training participants simulated cyber attacks and various ways for defending from them.
Please note that the project “BIHOS – Bosnia and Herzegovina Building Inclusive Oversight of Security” is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and it is implemented by the Center for European Security Studies (Groningen, Netherlands), the Centre for Security Studies (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the European Defendology Center ( Banja Luka, BiH). The primary objective of the project is to strengthen democratic governance and inclusive oversight of the security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on the state, entity, and canton levels.
You can find more informations about BIHOS project here, and you can follow us on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIN) by using #BIHOS hashtag.