The Centre for Security Studies – BH, in co-operation with the Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office for Articles II and IV, Annex 1-B of the Dayton Peace Accords organized the seminar entitled “Economic Aspects of Security”. This seminar took place in Trieste Italy, on the 2-5 October 2003. This seminar was a natural evolution from the seminar on the same topic held last year in Portoroz, Slovenia.

The aim of the seminar was to once again direct attention towards economic and human security. There has been substantial improvement in the restructuring of the military forces and ministries of defense in BiH, and now the focus is on economic security. The growth that needs to occur in Bosnia and Herzegovina is economic growth. The current restructuring of the armed forces, the necessity to eliminate duplication, the demobilization movement and aspects of human security were all topics for discussion, all being of importance as a precondition for further stabilization in the region.

The seminar was divided into three sessions and went over two days, the division was made in the following manner: “Implications of economic development on transformation of power and its influence on countries in the Region”; “Investment and Security – Investment perspectives in Bosnia and Herzegovina”; and the “Importance of the economy in the period of transition”.

The seminar saw a variety of points of view all designed to stimulate thought and provide solutions to some of the complex and difficult problems in BiH. The seminar was attended by, authorities from BiH, Ambassadors from the Republic of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italian state officials, NGO’s, OSCE representatives, UNDP representatives and Stability Pact representatives. It was concluded that the priority of state institutions has to be directed towards strengthening economic security, as only economically strong and stable countries have the precondition for security.