This project aimed to serve towards the development of a state-level security policy for Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the major problems in the security policy document”s formulation was that there lacked the sufficient means and knowledge in order to commence with its elaboration. Consequently, the project aimed to furnish those responsible for its development with the necessary background and expertise to ensure that the document reflected Bosnia and Herzegovina”s needs in the changing European security environment.


The principal aim of the project was to provide expertise and a medium in which issues pertaining to the development of the BiH Security Policy could be formulated, and to provide a forum whereby issues relating to the elaboration of the security policy could be discussed.

The project was devised in June 2001 and commenced with the Seminar on Security Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, held in Sarajevo on 16 – 17 July 2001. A security policy concept document was presented that contained the important thematic elements that the security policy document should contain; it was upon this document that the project was further elaborated.

Within the framework of the project, three round-tables on aspects of the security policy were held. These round-tables covered the following topics: foreign and financial policy aspects, intelligence services, and internal policy, which covered the multitude of issues that were contained in the security policy concept document.

The events included participants from the state and entity level governments and parliaments, from the Ministry of Defence of each entity, from the Standing Committee on Military Matters, from academic circles, political parties and from the media.