Treći sastanak Radne grupe za razvoj pravosudnog priručnika o posebnim istražnim radnjama održan je u četvrtak, 17. oktobra 2019. godine u hotelu “Marriott Courtyard” u Sarajevu. Na prethodnim sastancima odlučeno je da će se priručnik sastojati od pet dijelova te se u skladu sa tim radna grupa podijelila u pet timova od kojih je svaki zadužen za izradu jednog poglavlja. Na trećem sastanku radne grupe, pojedini timovi su prezentovali nacrte svojih poglavlja te diskutovali o detaljima sa ostatkom grupe. Kako se jedno od pet poglavlja bavi međunarodnom pravnom pomoći, trećem sastanku radne grupe prisustvovao je sudija iz EUROJUST-a, koji je sa učesnicima podijelio najbolje prakse i iskustvo u vezi praktičnih aspekata Zajedničkih istražnih timova.
The third meeting of the Working Group on the Development of Judicial Benchbook on Special Investigation Measures was held on Thursday, October 17th, 2019 in the Hotel “Marriott Courtyard” in Sarajevo. At previous meetings, it was decided that the Benchbook will include five chapters and the participants have split in five drafting groups, each one in charge with writing one chapter. At the third Working Group meeting, some of the teams have presented the draft versions of their chapters and discussed the details with the rest of the group. As one of the five chapters deals with international legal assistance, the third meeting of the working groups was attended by a judge from EUROJUST who has shared with the participants the best practices and experience regarding the practical aspects of the Joint Investigation Teams.