(For English, please see below)

Centar za sigurnosne studije učestvovao je u uspješnoj implementaciji projekata „Poljska-Zapadni Balkan. Zajedno ka budućnosti“. Realizaciju projekta predvodio je Institut za istočne studije iz Varšave, dok su ostali partneri bili Albanski institut za međunarodne studije iz Tirane, Centar za istraživanje i kreiranje politika iz Skoplja, Evropski pokret Srbija iz Beograda, Kosovski centar za sigurnosne studije iz Prištine te Centar za demokratiju i ljudska prava iz Podgorice. Projekat je finansiralo Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Republike Poljske.

Projektom su se nastojali utvrditi uloga i značaj Berlinskog procesa za region Zapadnog Balkana u smislu eurointegracija te uloga Republike Poljske u tom procesu. Glavni produkt projekta „Poljska-Zapadni Balkan. Zajedno ka budućnosti“ je istoimena publikacija koja je dostupna ispod.

The project “Poland-Western Balkans. Together Towards the Future” successfully implemented

The Centre for Security Studies participated in the successful implementation of the project “Poland-Western Balkans. Together Towards the Future”. The project was led by the Institute for Eastern Studies from Warsaw, while the other partners were the Albanian Institute for International Studies from Tirana, the Center for Research and Policy Making from Skopje, the European Movement Serbia from Belgrade, the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies from Pristina and the Centre for Democracy and Human Rights from Podgorica. The project was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

The project sought to determine the role and importance of the Berlin Process for the Western Balkans region in terms of European integration and the role of the Republic of Poland in this process. The main product of the project “Poland-Western Balkans. Together Towards the Future” is the publication of the same name, which is available below.

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