(For English, please see below)

Projekat „Procjena budućih trendova organiziranog kriminaliteta u BiH – OCASSESS BiH“ je svečano započeo kick-off događajem, koji je okupio predstavnike policijskih, sigurnosnih i pravosudnih agencija, medija i akademske zajednice. Ovaj projekat, koji se finansira kroz MATRA program Kraljevine Nizozemske, ima za cilj unapređenje borbe protiv organizovanog kriminaliteta u BiH.

Događaj je otvoren toplim riječima dobrodošlice predsjednika Centra za sigurnosne studije (CSS), gospodina Denisa Hadžovića. Gospodin Hadžović je ukazao da, iako je organizirani kriminalitet evaluirao u svojoj formi, ova pojava ipak nije u vrhu prioriteta političkih vlasti. Nadalje, mišljenja je da bi sigurnosne agencije u BiH trebale napraviti iskorak u smislu planiranja i upravljanja resursima, kako bi pratile trendove te radile u najboljem interesu građana i zaštite sigurnosti.

Potom su, gospođa Kržalić i gospodin Plevljak, potpredsjednica i generalni sekretar CSS-a, održali prezentaciju, predstavljajući ključne projektne aktivnosti te metodu horizont skeniranja koja će biti ključna u analizi i predviđanju trendova organiziranog kriminaliteta u BiH.

Vrhunac događaja bila je panel diskusija, moderirana od gospodina Seada Numanovića. Panelisti su uključivali ugledne stručnjake i stručnjakinje: gospođu Aldinu Alić iz Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Zeničko-dobojskog kantona, gospođu Hasiju Mašović, sudinicu Suda BiH, gospodina Predraga Obrenovića iz Evropskog defendologija centra Banja Luka i gospodina Azhara Kalamujića iz Centra za istraživačko novinarstvo (CIN). Diskusija je bila dinamična i bogata, pružajući dragocjene uvide u trenutne izazove i perspektive u borbi protiv organizovanog kriminaliteta. Ujedno, učesnici događaja su aktivno doprinosili diskusiji, razmjenjujući ideje i mišljenja, čime su postavili temelje za buduću saradnju i uspjeh projekta.

Zahvalni smo Kraljevini Nizozemskoj što, podržavajući projekat OCASSESS BiH, doprinosi sigurnosti države, društva i svih njegovih građana i građanki.

Ukoliko želite više informacija o našem projektu, ljubazno Vas molimo da nas kontaktirate putem e-maila: info@css.ba ; telefona: +387(0)33262456, a tok njegove implementacije možete pratiti putem web stranice: www.css.ba i upotrebom heštegova #CSSBiH #OCASSESSBiH na društvenim medijima.

Ovaj projekat finansira Vlada Kraljevine Nizozemske kroz MATRA program. Sadržaj je odgovornost Centra za sigurnosne studije i ne odražava nužno stavove Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske.


Officially launched project „OCASSESS BiH“: Assessment of Future Trends of Organized Crime in BiH

The project „Assessment of Future Trends of Organized Crime in BIH“ has officially started by organizing a kick-off event which gathered representatives of police and security agencies, juridicial agencies, media and the academic community. This project is financed throught the MATRA programme of The Government of Kingdom of the Netherlands, and it’s goal is to emprove the fight against organized crime in BiH.

The event was opened with warm welcoming regards by the President of Centre for Security Studies (CSS), Mr. Denis Hadžović. Mr. Hadžović pointed out the fact that, even that organized crime evolved in it’s form, this occurrence is not on the list of Government’s top-priorities. Further on, he advocated the opinion that BiH’s security agencies should take a step further in planing and resource management, so they could keep up with the trends and work in the best interest of citizens and protection of security.

After that, Mrs. Kržalić and Mr. Plevljak, Vice President and General Secretary of CSS, held a presentation in which they represented key project activities and the „horizon-scan“ method which will be the key in analizing and prediction of the trends of organized crime in BiH.

The peak of the event was the panel discussion, moderated by Mr. Sead Numanović. Panelists were respected experts: Mrs. Aldina Alić from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Mrs. Hasija Mašović, The Judge at The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mr. Predrag Obrenović from European Defendology Centre Banja Luka and Mr. Azhar Kalamujić from Center for Investigative Journalism (CIN). The discussion was dinamic and rich, providing great insights into ongoing challenges and perspectives regarding fight against organized crime. Also, event members actively contributed to the discussion by exchanging ideas and opinions, by which they set the foundations for future cooperation and Project’s success.

We are thankful to The Kingdom of the Netherlands on their support on the OCASSESS BiH by which they contribute to the safety of the country, society and it’s citizens.

If you would like more information about our project, please kindly contact us via email: info@css.ba; phone: +387(0)33262456, and you can follow its implementation through the website: www.css.ba and by using the hashtags #CSSBiH #OCASESSBiH on social media.

This project is financed by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands through the MATRA program. The content is the responsibility of the Centre for Security Studies and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.