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Objavljeno: 28. novembar 2023. godine
U periodu od 21. do 23. novembra, Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS), zajedno s Centrom za evropske sigurnosne studije (CESS), organizovao je u Sarajevu prvi trening za predstavnike institucija, tijela i organizacija s federalnog i kantonalnog nivoa o inkluzivnom nadzoru nad sektorom sigurnosti.
Trodnevnom treningu “Inkluzivni nadzor nad sektorom sigurnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini”, organiziranom u okviru projekta “BIHOS – Bosna i Hercegovina gradi inkluzivni nadzor nad sigurnošću”, prisustvovali su državni službenici različitih radnih i nezavisnih tijela oba doma Parlamenta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, Skupštine Kantona Sarajevo (KS) te predstavnici Federalne uprave policije, Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova KS i nevladinog sektora.
Tokom prvog dana treninga, kroz interaktivne sesije, učesnici su se upoznali s principima demokratije i inkluzivnog nadzora nad sektorom sigurnosti, kao i o ulozi civilnog društva u takvom nadzoru. Drugi dan bio je u potpunosti rezervisan za vježbu u kojoj su učesnici simulirali inkluzivni nadzor, odnosno parlamentarno saslušanje zbog javne nabavke neispravnih vojnih uniformi u fiktivnoj državi Paglania. Trećeg dana, učesnici su identificirali probleme i poteškoće u funkcionisanju inkluzivnog nadzora u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) te ponudili preporuke za njihovo prevazilaženje.
Projekat BIHOS ima za cilj ojačati demokratsko upravljanje i inkluzivni nadzor sigurnosnog sektora u BiH na državnom, entitetskom i kantonalnom nivou. Implementiraju ga CESS (Groningen, Holandija), CSS (Sarajevo, BiH) te Evropski defendologija centar (Banja Luka, BiH), uz finansijsku podršku Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske.
Više informacija o projektu BIHOS možete pronaći ovdje, a možete nas pratiti i na društvenim mrežama (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i LinkedIn) upotrebom hashtag-a #BIHOS.
BIHOS: The first training for the federal and cantonal levels was held
Published: November 28th, 2023
In the period from November 21 to 23, the Center for Security Studies (CSS), together with the Centre for European Security Studies (CESS), organized the first training for representatives of institutions, bodies, and organizations from the federal and cantonal levels on inclusive oversight over the security sector in Sarajevo.
The three-day training “Inclusive Oversight of the Security Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, organized as part of the project “BIHOS – Bosnia and Herzegovina Building Inclusive Oversight of Security“, was attended by civil servants of various working and independent bodies of both houses of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Cantonal Assembly Sarajevo and representatives of the Federal Police Administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Canton Sarajevo, and the non-governmental sector.
During the first day of the training, through interactive sessions, participants were introduced to the principles of democracy, inclusive oversight of the security sector, as well as the role of civil society in such oversight. The second day was entirely reserved for an exercise in which the participants simulated inclusive oversight, that is, a parliamentary hearing regarding the public procurement of faulty military uniforms in the fictitious state of Paglania. On the third day, participants identified problems and difficulties in functioning inclusive oversight in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and offered recommendations for overcoming them.
The BIHOS project aims to strengthen democratic governance and inclusive oversight of the security sector in BiH on state, entity, and canton levels. It is implemented by CESS (Groningen, The Netherlands), CSS (Sarajevo, BiH), and the European Defendology Center (Banja Luka, BiH), with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
You can find more information about the BIHOS project here and follow us on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) using the hashtag #BIHOS.